Hi, I’m Livia Nutritional Therapist

Based in London, UK specialising in digestive health and chronic stress-anxiety related reflux.

My purpose is to guide you on your healing journey from a place of feeling lost and defeated, living with debilitating chronic stress-anxiety related reflux to living the life you desire as the happier and healthier version of you, through a personalised nutrition and lifestyle guidance.

Having struggled with painful digestive issues due to chronic stress and anxiety, I understand how difficult it is to not feel in control.

This led me to discover the power of nutrition and lifestyle strategies to overcome chronic digestive issues and build stress and anxiety resilience to better manage stressful situations.

My story


After 16 years in the healthcare and pharmaceutical industry working long hours in various demanding and stressful jobs, I ended up on a much-needed career break due to fatigue and burnout and poor health.

This led me to discover the power of nutrition from suffering with debilitating gastric pain, reflux, hair loss, fatigue and low iron for many years. After numerous visits to the GP over the years only to be told that my blood results were ‘within range’ and ‘normal’ and being prescribed medication for gastritis and iron supplementsfor hair loss, without investigating the root causes, I felt lost, defeated, unheard and dismissed.

Deciding to take matters into my own hands to find alternative and natural treatments, I studied Nutritional Therapy for 3 years. I learnt my chronic fatigue, hair thinning, gastritis and reflux were all interconnected and I finally understood the root causes - chronic stress, anxiety, lifestyle and sub-optimal diet! I’ve learnt to successfully apply nutritional and lifestyle changes to improve my health symptoms. I now have the tools to overcome digestive issues when they arise and to build stress and anxiety resilience to better manage stressful situations.

If my story resonates with you in any way, I hope this reassures you that there is a solution for your chronic health condition or symptoms.

My purpose is to listen to your story to understand your concerns and your journey to where you are now to support and guide you from a place of feeling lost, unheard and living in pain to a place of vitality and optimum health.

Let me help you transform your life to a place of where you want to be.

I have a special interest in helping people like you to conquer your chronic digestive and gut issues driven by stress and anxiety and female health.


The Process

  • The Consultation

    This is where the healing journey begins. By understanding your health goals and what you want to achieve. I dedicate an hour and a half to understanding your life experiences, medical history and specific health concerns to piece together the puzzle of whats driving your symptoms.

  • The Work

    This is where the change happens. I want to facilitate your healing transformation. My role is to guide and support you through a personalised nutrition and welnness programme. Your role is to put in the effort and work to achieve the health goal and life you desire.

  • The Result

    This is where you take control of your life. You’ll be educated and empowered with understanding your body and how to identify and avoid triggers of your symptoms. You’ll have new habits and lifestyle to maintain your health goal and life you desire.

My Qualifications

I qualified from the College of Naturopathic Medicine with a diploma in Naturopathic Nutritional Therapy (DipCNM).

Prior to that I graduated from university with a Bachelor of Applied Science (Laboratory Medicine) specialising in Medical Microbiology and Immunology.

Completed Professional Development Courses:

Health Coaching Skills for Nutrition Professionals - Zest4Life

TCM Food Therapy Training Program - Anna Na

SIBO & Beyond - Tracey Randell (current)

Managing Reflux - Debbie Grayson (current)


“And when I am ill, it is [God] who cures me.”

(Ash-Shu’ara (The Poets: 26:80) (A supplication of Prophet Abraham)

وَإِذَا مَرِضْتُ فَهُوَ يَشْفِينِ”

Ready to start your healing journey and live the life you desire?